Whale Watching in Laguna Beach

Whale Watching in Laguna Beach

Did you know that Southern California is one of the best places in the world to go whale watching? Orange County waters are abundant with reliable and plentiful food sources for cetaceans and are part of whale migration routes making these mammals a common site from our shores.

Whale Watching Seasons:

“Winter (December-February):

  • Gray whales: These whales migrate south from their feeding grounds in Alaska to breed and give birth in the warmer waters off the coast of Baja California. They can often be seen on their way south in December, and on their return journey north in February.

Spring (March-May):

  • Blue whales: These are the largest animals on earth, and they migrate northward from their winter breeding grounds in Mexico to feed on krill in the productive waters off the California coast. They are usually seen in April and May.
  • Humpback whales: These whales also migrate north from their winter breeding grounds in Mexico, and can be seen off the coast of Southern California from late March through early December.

Summer (June-August):

  • Fin whales: These whales are the second-largest animals on earth, and can be seen off the coast of Southern California during the summer months when they feed on krill and other small prey.
  • Minke whales: These are the smallest baleen whales, and they can sometimes be seen in Southern California during the summer months.

Fall (September-November):

  • Gray whales: As mentioned earlier, gray whales can be seen on their return journey north in September and October.”

Resource: https://newportwhales.com/whales-by-season-article.html

Whale Watching in Laguna Beach
Image: @mattastumpf @captdaves

Marine Protected Area:

Laguna Beach is a Marine Protected Area, which protects all marine life by prohibiting the removal of marine wildlife from within its borders. Laguna Beach is the only city in California whose entire coast has been designated a boating & fishing-free zone since January 1, 2012. Since becoming an MPA, Laguna’s ocean life has flourished with one of the most biodiverse marine ecosystems and thriving kelp forests and reefs!

Whale Watching in Laguna Beach

Image: @yojuleru

Where to Whale Watch:

Because Laguna Beach is a boat-free zone, we recommend a few of our whale-watching partners in our neighboring cities for the ultimate experience:

Captain Dave’s Dolphin and Whale Watching Safari

Dana Wharf Whale Watching

Newport Landing Whale Watching

Davey’s Locker Whale Watching

Whale Watching in Laguna Beach

Image: @danawharf @gabeberghouse

About the Author

Alex Stall

Alex Stall

Marketing Manager

Alex graduated from Boise State University in 2020 with a degree in Environmental Studies. She has applied her love for the environment, ocean and creativity in her role as the Social Media and Destination Services Coordinator at Visit Laguna Beach. Growing up as a passionate beach goer in Orange County has made it easy to share Laguna Beach and all the beauty it has to offer. When not working, she is out looking for new coffee shops or planning her next traveling adventure, hence why the tourism industry is suitable for her!

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